

Tasks together give a more accurate picture

The totality of digital traces learners leave in a LMS is too complex to enable the teacher to derive helpful insights. Criteria help teachers to determine the perspective to be taken for viewing and evaluating the data. The thicket of data can be viewed in a structured way. Criteria are therefore also the linchpin of the LMSA Kit. Within the LMSA Kit, teachers define the criteria under which students' performance should be considered and analyzed. When creating the criteria, the teachers are actively supported by the LMSA Kit.

A criterion is a collection of tasks of the electronic learning material within the LMS that belongs together under certain didactic, content-related aspect .

While completing electronic learning opportunities, such as blended-learning or distance learning, learners solve many tasks. Many of these tasks address higher-level learning goals: Competences should be acquired during the whole course, key topics will be addressed on several occasions, and learning goals should be achieved. However, the individual learning controls can not provide an answer to these questions as an isolated measuring point. By bundling the tasks into criteria, an answer is possible for the first time.

Working with criteria is divided into two steps in the LMSA Kit: