Educational Software
While doing my research at the Institute of Chemistry Education of the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, I developed several software tools for educational purposes. This website will describe some of them and will make them available to the public. All software tools which are described here can be used free of charge for educational purposes by everyone. All software tools were developed carefully, but they are provided "as is" without any warranties.
Development of the Software Tools
The following software tools have emerged as part of my PhD project "Suppementing University Teaching with Electronic Learning Opportunities - Using Feedback in Self-Regulated Learning Processes". They were developed at the Institute for Chemistry Education at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. The development was scienetifically accompanied by Prof. Dr. Graulich. Some research results have already been published as part of the development and improvement of the software.
Supporting students in their individual learning process by offering additional learning ressources is a common practice today. Learning Managament Systems (LMS), for instance, ILIAS, Moodle, BlackBoard,etc. play a crucial role in providing additional learning ressources. Unfortunately, the learning that occurs within a LMS is almost invisible for educators.
The LMSA Kit is a software tool for analyzing the hidden students' learning process within current LMS. In this way, educators can inspect and understand students' digital learning processes for the first time. As a result, students' can directly benefit from their learning at home while attending classes, because learning difficulties and problems can be now taken into account purposefully.
Easy Snippet Feedback Edit
The ESF Edit is an integrated development environment (IDE) for creating building instructions for feedback texts or other conditional texts. Conditional means that depending on whether certain conditions exist or not, the text changes in its content. Instead of requiring the user to understand a programming language, the ESF Edit uses a visual programming language. It is intuitively accessible and must not necessarily to be learned over a longer period of time. The construction manuals for creating feedback texts created in the ESF Edit can, for example, be used in the LMSA Kit.