Learn-Management-System Analysis Kit
The LMSA Kit is an efficient software tool for analyzing students' learning, which has particularly been developed for the use within Learn-Management-Systems (LMS). It has been developed at the Institute of Chemistry Education of the Justus-Liebig-Universitäte as part of my PhD project.The LMSA Kit uses all available data of an LMS to uncover students' learning processes. There are no changes within the LMS necessary to use the software. Teachers, who already use electronical learning devises, can decide constantly whether to use the software to get additional insights into their students' learning or not.
The LMSA Kit is a computer application, which can be installed on every computer (running Microsoft Windows). This can be done easily by using an installer. Most data are implemented via export files. There is no Internet access necessary for further analyzes.
The LMSA Kit offers a solution to evaluate and analyze LMS' data. It starts with the data collection, goes on with the evaluation of measuring instruments and finally ends with the presentation of results and automatic processes. The data collection only uses data, the teacher can access within the LMS. For this purpose, plugins allow a good adaptivity of different LMS. The LMSA Kit offers the opportunity to define criteria, which serve as the basis for the following analysis. The software provides assistance with evaluating the quality of these criteria. Afterwards the criteria can be used to evaluate the shown performances. This cannot only be useful for teachers; students can also benefit. The LMSA Kit is able to send automatically generated feedback messages to students by using the analyzed data and a feedback-"construction manual". For the first time, students get highly valuable insights into their own learning process
The identically named chapters provide more Information and useful hints for the application steps.